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Donation Instructions

Once you click on the yellow                    button, you will see a new screen with Donation information.

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

*NOTE: Just because the "Donate to" reads "Society of St. Vincent de Paul Archdiocesan Council of St. Louis" does not mean that your donation will go to the St. Louis Council. Because we operate as a non-profit under the Federal Identification Number (EIN) for St. Vincent de Paul, this wording automatically comes up from that EIN number. Rest Assured - the Ste. Genevieve Conference bank account will receive the Memorial Donation.


Type in the number you wish to donate. Please use whole numbers. i.e. 5 will be $5, 100 will be $100.


If you feel that you have made a mistake or want to start over, you can always select "Cancel and return to Society of St. Vincent de Paul Archdiocesan Council of St. Louis" at the bottom of the screen to start again. 



After you type in the correct dollar amount you wish to donate, select one of the 2 options:

Donate with PayPal

(if you have a PayPay account and wish to use that)


Donate with Debit or Credit Card 

(if you wish to use Debit or Credit)

**NOTE 2: You DO NOT have to have a PayPal account to donate. You can use a Credit Card.


After you select an option, you will be taken to a SECURE website that will either a) ask for your PayPal login information and Log You In to your PayPal account, or b) ask you for your Debit or Credit Card information.


If you selected Debit or Credit, you will be prompted for your card information. You do NOT have to create a PayPal account to donate.



















Simply click on the radio button next to the "Save your info and create a PayPal account" and the radio button will move to the left and turn gray.
















You will then presented with a button at the bottom of the screen that says "Donate Now".

Once you select that button, your donation is complete!  Thank you!



Sainte Genevieve, Missouri Conference - St. Vincent de Paul Society


Physical Address: 970 Rozier Street

                          Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670


Mailing Address: 320 Jefferson Street

                          Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670


Phone: (573) 271-7004 




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© 2020 by St. Vincent de Paul - Sainte Genevieve, Missouri - Stephen Bleckler - Webmaster

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